
Anorak News | Bossy Women Don’t Get Sex, Despite Their Constant Demands

Bossy Women Don’t Get Sex, Despite Their Constant Demands

by | 23rd, September 2011

ALL the women who independent – throw your hands up at me. All the honeys who makin’ money – throw your hands up at me. All the mommas who profit dollas – throw your hands up at me. All the ladies who truly feel me – throw your hands up at me.

All the women, who truly bossy… uuh… you’ll have to give it a rest because you won’t be getting any sex. Okay?

Now, you may well think that this is the talk of some guy who is withholding sex in one last desperate power grab… and you may be correct. However, this is something that is widespread across the WHOLE WORLD!

According to a study (and therefore, it is gospel, natch) by scientists at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, women who take charge at home and make most of the household decisions seem to lose out on sex, sometimes waiting 100 times longer for some nookie.

Yes. We used the word ‘nookie’. Sorry if you’re now thinking of Roger De Courcey.

Basically, if you’re the kind of woman who controls the weekly budget, oversees the food shopping and organises the social diary, you’re probably not getting a shag as frequently as your happy-go-lucky chums (or, at least those who actively share responsibilities with their partners).

“A very consistent pattern was observed across all six countries we surveyed,” says lead author Professor Michelle Hindin. “The more decisions a women reported making on her own, as compared to joint decision making, the less likely she was to have sex and the longer it was since she last had sexual intercourse.”

Study co-author Carie Muntifering (does that sound like a sexual act to anyone else? Just us then) says: ‘Understanding how women’s position in the household influences their sexual activity may be an essential piece in protecting the sexual rights of women and helping them to achieve a sexual life that is safe and pleasurable.’

So, what have we learned?

No-one wants to have sexual intercourse with a control-freak. Amazing. Next week, study reveals woodland area to be primary defecation area for bears.

Posted: 23rd, September 2011 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink