
Anorak News | Anyone For A Game Of Dodgeball? 2,000 Aside Sound Okay?

Anyone For A Game Of Dodgeball? 2,000 Aside Sound Okay?

by | 23rd, September 2011

DODGEBALL. It means very little to anyone outside of America, save that dreadful film that did the rounds a while back.

However, we’ve stumbled across a video that isn’t just your average, run-of-the-mill game of stupid dodgeball. This is mondo stupid dodgeball with 4,000 people split across two teams with 750 balls.

Yup. It’s the biggest game of dodgeball in the world… EVER!

In places, this dodgeball match looks absolutely terrifying, but then you see people hugging each other and laughing without getting their front teeth knocked out… which is a shame.

There will have been some mightily impressive bruises though, that’s for sure. Ever got a football on the thigh in the dead of winter? Then sympathise.

Posted: 23rd, September 2011 | In: Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink