
Anorak News | Bill Cosby, Wearing A Bill Cosby Jumper, Jumper

Bill Cosby, Wearing A Bill Cosby Jumper, Jumper

by | 26th, September 2011

WILL the last person to leave switch the internet off? Why? Because the most memeymeta headf*ck thing has been created and surely nothing will ever top it.

And so, it doesn’t involve stupid cats, irritating unicorns or purposefully awful grammar which can haz sausij roll or whatever.

No, this is a craft machine that someone beardy bloke has hacked, leaving him with a device that can turn images into knitting prints.

And what’s he done? He’s decided to make a Bill Cosby sweater. The pattern is one of Cosby’s shirts, with Bill Cosby wearing the same sweater over the top of the pattern. So it’s a Bill Cosby wearing a Bill Cosby sweater sweater.

Amazing. Theo Huxtable would DEFINITELY wear it.

Posted: 26th, September 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink