
Anorak News | NYPD Beat Up Civilians During Wall Street Protest: Video

NYPD Beat Up Civilians During Wall Street Protest: Video

by | 26th, September 2011

THE whole world has the hump with bankers and those that seem to want to protect them. As such, protests are cropping up everywhere.

Of course, in the Middle East, they’re doing it properly and overthrowing governments while in The West, it’s just kids in bandanas bitching through their iPhones.

That’s not to say the police forces aren’t being morons about it, as seen in New York when protesters went to voice their concerns at Wall Street without having to wait in a hideously long telephone queuing system.

While there, the NYPD decide enough is enough and start doling out from pretty brutal law enforcement.

Have a look for yourself and make the decision we’ll all have to make at some point: Who is the most anger inducing – the hippies with their jarring voices and chants or the police with their heavy handed tactics?

Posted: 26th, September 2011 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink