
Anorak News | Florida To Make Being A Randy Teenager A Criminal Offence

Florida To Make Being A Randy Teenager A Criminal Offence

by | 4th, October 2011

REMEMBER when you were young and you made 90% of your decisions based on your genitals? Remember those long, cold nights getting frisky in rain sodden bus-stops, reeking of Woodpecker and 20/20?

Think yourself lucky, because in Florida, they hate young people wanting to get off with each other.

How much to they hate ’em? Well, it is now a criminal offence for one teen to ‘sext’ another. If you don’t know what sexting is, then might we suggest you go back to living in your cave? Great.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has pushed through a law that basically will see any teen who sends or RECEIVES a mucky text getting branded with sex-offender status. For life.

They took a bad law and made it worse,says Howard Simon, spokesman of the American Civil Liberty Union of Florida. “It should be with the teachers and parents, not the criminal justice system.

Simon says the ACLU will likely take the whole law to court in a few months when teenagers start getting slapped with their third infraction and face prison and a lifetime of sex offender status.

Meanwhile, the kids (who don’t read the news) will all be getting off with each other and sending each other pictures of their arses without a care in the world.

Posted: 4th, October 2011 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink