
Anorak News | High School Kid Austin Pacheco Launches 64 Yard Field Goal!

High School Kid Austin Pacheco Launches 64 Yard Field Goal!

by | 5th, October 2011

AMERICAN Football may well be a very, very silly game played by giant men in crash helmets, but that’s not to say it isn’t impressive.

There’s a certain trashy glamour to the sport which nothing else quite matches.

What is peculiar about American Tossball is that it is so very keen on percentages, fractions and measurements. People cheer when play is shunted on a couple of yards and everyone is told the distance thrown by star quarterbacks over a season.

While that’s odd, you can’t help but feel impressed when someone does something really outlandish. The NFL record for a field goal is something like 63 yards. That’s a helluva distance to kick an oddly shaped ball.

Well that’s been BETTERED by some squirt of a kid who has booted a field goal a whole 64 YARDS!

As Alan Partridge would say, this kid has a foot like a traction engine.

Austin Pacheco Field Goal from Deadspin on Vimeo.

Posted: 5th, October 2011 | In: Sports 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink