
Anorak News | Chupacabra Killed In Mississippi: Photos

Chupacabra Killed In Mississippi: Photos

by | 7th, October 2011

A STRANGE creature has been sighted in Simpson County, Mississippi. The creature’s back legs are longer than its front legs. It has long teeth,. It has no hair. And when Truitt Bernard saw what might have been the first or alt of its kind, he knew what to do: shoot it dead.

Says Barnard:

“It’s an ugly looking beast. I know it’s not a coyote. I’ve killed some mangy coyotes too, and I just haven’t seen something quite like it.”

The rumours are that it might be the fables Chupacabra – the goat sucker.

It’s dead. And even less fussy eaters will not touch it. Says Truitt’s son Scott:

“I’ve never seen anything a buzzard wouldn’t eat.”

Simpson County  needs a bowling alley…


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Gollum Ness is discovered languishing on rock in Panama, where, as is alleged has it, local children on their way to a kebab shop beat it to death. As reported: According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City. Fearing for the safety as it moved towards them, the youths claim they attacked the beast with sticks before throwing its lifeless body into a pool of water.

Posted: 7th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink