A Car Video: A Car That Likes Skipping
YOU there! You may like your little motorcar that gets you to work everyday, fond of the cute way only you can work the clutch and have to punch the stereo before it works… but hear this – your car is rubbish.
In fact, all of your cars are rubbish compared to the one owned by some lunatic in – where else? – America.
As you may well be aware, folks in The States like hydraulics and bump their vehicles around while listening to ear-melting reggaeton or whatever.
Someone has taken that idea to the nth degree and created a car that likes to skip (or jump-rope if you’re a Doodle Dandy sort).
See for yourself here and then imagine leaping over traffic jams like you’re Professor Pat Pending from Wacky Races.
Posted: 10th, October 2011 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink