
Anorak News | Property Porn: Photos Of Bill Gates’ Holiday Home

Property Porn: Photos Of Bill Gates’ Holiday Home

by | 12th, October 2011

WANT to know what Microsoft boss Bill Gates is getting for the $600,00 a month rent he’s lashing out for his eldest daughter’s home?

The Sun-Sentinel looks at the property in Wellington, Florida, where 15-year-old Jennifer Gates will be an agonist at the Winter Equestrian Festival.

Well, the 1997 home has: 4 acres; eight bedrooms; six bathrooms; 7,352 square feet of living space; a fountain with horse heads made of stone; a pool; lots of chairs and a wine cellar.

Indeed, reader. This is small pad for a man worth $60billion. And good on him for not just buying Jenny the competition, every horse in the area and the entire town.He;ll bring up tough if it’s the last thing he does…


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Posted: 12th, October 2011 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink