Cameron Must Chop Liam Fox Before The Army Does
SOME news and political sources are now openly hinting UK Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox may be gay. Whether or not there is a close physical relationship between his Best Man Adam Werritty and Fox, as possible consenting adults, it is a matter for them.
I couldn’t give an old Queen’s tremulous giggle one way or the other.
What can no longer be in doubt is the ridiculous mind-set of the UK Premier David Cameron on the whole sorry mess of the unappointed adviser in the shape of Werritty.
Yup! When blood is being spilled daily in Afghanistan it is the job of all Cabinet Ministers to be White Knights.
While swingeing Defence cuts are being implemented and front-line troops still lack basic protection equipment and sufficient helicopters to do the job their political masters ask of them, it is disgraceful Liam Fox’s best bosom buddy should be swanning around attending meetings with various of the world’s highest and mightiest while clinging to the Defence Secretary’s coat-tails.
When soldiers start distrusting, then laughing at, their employers wars are lost and people die…needlessly. Fox’s actions have created havoc within the high echelons of the MOD and right down to (perhaps that should be: “right up to”) the rifle carriers in Helmand Province.
Today The Guardian’s Nick Hopkins writes:
“The defence secretary is fighting for his political career as the row the over his working relationship with a close friend deepened
“Liam Fox insisted that he would not resign from the cabinet as the continuing furore over his friendship with Adam Werritty provoked growing disquiet at the Ministry of Defence about the damage the affair is doing to the department.
“With fresh revelations emerging every day, Whitehall insiders said the mood among those in Fox’s circle of military and civilian advisers was “darkening”, and that this was beginning to affect the running of the MoD.”
That should be an end to it. The Tories would like to see the repeal of the ant-fox hunting acts. This is a good place to start.
If Cameron hasn’t got the bollocks to dismiss the man soldiers now believe to be a total tosspot from all Ministerial positions and ranking, then immediately introduce stringent security vetting of all Fox’s alleged good friends…then the Premier should also go to ground.
It is an unfortunate pun but many believe all foxes are vermin.
Posted: 13th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Politicians Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink