
Anorak News | Who Needs Lyrics? Not This Lot

Who Needs Lyrics? Not This Lot

by | 13th, October 2011

LYRICS. Who needs ’em? They’re just dumb words getting in the way of a perfectly decent melody (much like the way these words are getting in the way of the video they’re promoting – what a world!).

Many people look at old songs and thrill at the poetry, lambasting new music for being about little more than money and bitches. However, throughout history, music hasn’t always gave a hoot about the words. Look at Surfin’ Bird for starters.

Anyway, in a fine, fine video, some musicians have got together to praise the lyricless bits of pop history.

Keep an ear out for Brown-eyed Girl, My Cherie Amour, Killin’ Me Softly, Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, Getting’ Jiggy with It, Can’t Get You Out of My Head, So What and more.

This really is fantastic.

Posted: 13th, October 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink