Hurray! Anchorman 2 Is Scrapped!
ANCHORMAN. It’s about as funny as watching an orphanage burn down. Disagree all you want because if you like Anchorman, you’re opinion on humour isn’t worth listening to. Hell, you shouldn’t even be trusted with the air you breathe.
And so, the good news. Star of Anchorman, Will Ferrell, has confirmed that plans for a sequel have been shelved. Ron Burgundy has told Sky News that Paramount Pictures don’t want to make a follow up.
“The truth is they don’t want to make a sequel. We try and tell them that people constantly ask when we’re making one and everyone gets so excited at the thought. But apparently I don’t have the power to change their mind,” he said.
“But easy come, easy go. Maybe if it’s meant to be it might happen down the line.”
“That’s what’s fun about Ron Burgundy, I can play him when I’m 55 as easily as I can play him now at my current age of 32.”
Please. No. Stop that. NOW.
Posted: 14th, October 2011 | In: Film 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink