Robert Downey Jr Wants Us All To Forgive Mel Gibson For Some Reason
MEL GIBSON is not a popular man in Hollywood. He’s been accused of hating Jews, dropping the ‘N’ bomb in THOSE taped phone rants, slapping his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva and generally being mental. Just how unpopular is he? Mel was asked to leave his role in The Hangover 2 after complaints from cast and crew. That’s The Hangover 2 which stars convicted rapist, Mike Tyson.
THAT unpopular.
But he’s found a friend in Robert Downey Jr who is asking Hollywood to forgive and forget.
Collecting his American Cinematheque award on Friday (nope, us neither), the Iron Man actor said it was Gibson who landed him a role on the film Air America when his name was mud thanks to his penchant for hoovering up substances like they were going out of fashion.
“I couldn’t get hired and he cast me. He said if I accepted responsibility – he called it hugging the cactus – long enough, my life would take meaning. And if he helped me, I would help the next guy. But it was not reasonable to assume the next guy would be him.
“Unless you are without sin – and if you are, you are in the wrong fucking industry, you should forgive him and let him work.”
Gibson replied with:
“He taught me many things and I will use the ‘C’ word, courage. There’s nothing so much wrong with him. Of course you have to worry about the guy making the judgment here. He’s a good dude with a good heart.”
Gibson has apologised repeatedly for both incidents and is getting nowhere. Of course, elsewhere in the entertainment industry, Chris ‘slapped Rihanna around and then tried to destroy the set of a morning TV show’ Brown, has neither apologised OR suffered any dip in popularity.
Roman Polanski is still, after admitting the guilt of having sex with a minor against her will, getting praise from thesps like Kate Winslet and working as frequently as he likes.
What a stupid planet we live on.
Posted: 17th, October 2011 | In: Celebrities 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink