Jemma Henley And Chelsea’s Ashley Cole: Katie Price’s Cut-Price Supermodel Confesses
ASHLEY Cole, of Chelsea FC and England, has a “SECRET LOVER”, reports the Daily Star on its front page. Of course, he has nothing of the sort. All Ashley’s lovers are branded “MRS C” on the nape of their necks. As you check your own necks, and those of your girlfriend, mother (but not hamsters), the Star tells us:
A SECRET lover of Ashley Cole was yesterday outed by Kate Price, who is now turning her into a supermodel. Jemma Henley claimed she had a hush-hush fling with the footballer for three months.
So much to digest. How do you turn anyone into a supermodel? Starvation, better genes and a manageable drug problem, allegedly?
Katie says Jemma “has fierce model written all over her“. In crayon. She also has a tattoo of Katie Price on her arm.
The Star adds:
She kept the affair secret despite being approached for her story but has now gone public after impressing Kaite.
She kept it secret after, err, someone found out and asked her to shag ‘n’ tell? She kept is secret as she tweeted:
“So annoying. The papers keep ringing me about my Ashley Cole story. GO AWAY.”
The Star continues:
Kate, alias Jordan, has picked Jemma as one of her 12 finalists in her search for a model show, Signed By Katie Price. Jemma, 23, caught her eye at auditions when she not only showed off her curvy figure but also teased about how she had enjoyed a romance with a football star. After Kate, 33, chose her as a finalist, she finally blabbed to producers that the mystery man was Cheryl Cole’s ex.
Had only Jemma waited until she’d won the show she could have sold her story to the tabloids. The danger is that her rivals will now also say they shagged Ashely Cole, as well as Wayne Rooney, Ryan Giggs and Rio Ferdinand. The winner will be the model with the full house and a wild card, like Russell Brand or Calum Best.
As it is, the story of the woman who might have shagged Ashley Cole is being used to market Katie Price’s search for a strumpet telly show:
In the official SkyLiving publicity for the show, it states Jemma “allegedly saw Ashley Cole, 30, for three months”.
Srarry stuff, readers.
It also claims she had a fling with rapper Kanye West, 34.
Cole and West… Have a heart , readers. The girl’s suffered for her fame and is nothing if not a survivor…
Spotters: The Smoking Jacket, Zoo
Posted: 18th, October 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink