
Anorak News | Man Makes Chomping Pacman Costume!

Man Makes Chomping Pacman Costume!

by | 18th, October 2011

WITH Halloween imminent, you may be thinking of making your own costume. This writer once made himself a living cress-head to look like some kind of genetic disaster.

While forever pleased with that, that’s not a patch on this giganto chomping Pacman outfit.

The chap who made the costume has written about it over at MakeProjects, talking about the functioning mouth, matching Ghost outfit and the size of the thing (5 feet tall by 2 feet wide!).

Either way, if you’re going to top that this Halloween, you better get working on it, stat!

Chomping Pacman Costume from Matthew Varas on Vimeo.

Posted: 18th, October 2011 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink