
Anorak News | Lindsay Lohan Meets Her Co-Stars In The Morgue: Photos And Stephanie Sautner’s Gem

Lindsay Lohan Meets Her Co-Stars In The Morgue: Photos And Stephanie Sautner’s Gem

by | 19th, October 2011

LINDAY Lohan is now appearing in Custody III, the sequel to her previous most-talked about outings. The sometime actress was at Los Angeles Superior Court to see Judge Stephanie Sautner. The Beak found Lohan in violation of probation, telling one and all – and this is delicious:

“She is supposed to be an actress from what I hear. I don’t know who much acting work she’s done or is doing.”

Send. The. Woman. Down.

How long Sautner rehearsed that line for we cannot say. But we do know Lohan failed to attend the women’s shelter where she was supposed to be volunteering.

But not to worry if you missed her – Lohan will be back in court on November 2 for a probation violation hearing.

Lohan might then be sent to choky for more than a year.

But the best bit is that she will have to complete at least 16 hours a week at a morgue.

There’s a film in this, somewhere. Lohan has finally got the co-stars she deserves…

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Posted: 19th, October 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink