
Anorak News | Boyz II Men Make Ringtones For You, Hur Hur

Boyz II Men Make Ringtones For You, Hur Hur

by | 20th, October 2011

REMEMBER all those hits Boyz II Men had? They sold MILLIONS of records didn’t they? Like… uh… that one that went “…til the eeeeend of the rooooad… still I can’t leeeeet goooo…” and… uh, umm.

Did they do anything else?

Do even Boyz II Men remember any of their other songs? That probably doesn’t matter now because they’ve gone into the ringtone business.

That’s right, the soulsters have decided to make a bunch of funny/dumb ringtones for you, including one that mentions ‘lady parts’.


Posted: 20th, October 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink