
Anorak News | Lindsay Lohan’s Father Helpfully Says She’s Smoking Crack

Lindsay Lohan’s Father Helpfully Says She’s Smoking Crack

by | 21st, October 2011

YOU may have seen Lindsay Lohan’s teeth looking rotten as hell recently and thought to yourself, ‘how on Earth did that happen so quickly? Did all her veneers fall off?’

Helpfully, LiLo’s far from trustworthy father has decided to chip in with his opinion.

He said:

“That’s from smoking a pipe with meth or crack. She’s smoking either crack or meth, one or the other. I’m not going to shade it.”

“If you’re talking about prescription medication it would affect all your teeth, not just two.”

Michael Lohan’s comments are well timed as his actress daughter has just had her probation formally revoked by a judge and she turned up late to her community service (at a morgue – nice) and was turned away.

Basically, because she’s not complying with the terms of her probation, she could get thrown in the slammer. So, again, her dad saying she’s smoking crack is just great.

Lohan’s spokesman said in a statement she was late because she did not know which entrance to report to “and confusion caused by the media waiting for her arrival”.

Meanwhile, TMZ reports that Lohan’s twin kink Dina Lohan has written a book. An extract from it runs:

“I blamed her friends, her career and her handlers for an (sic) newfound lifestyle of partying excessively. Drinking, drugging and behaving irresponsibly became Lindsay’s way of daily living–and it tore me up inside.” How could I deny my daughter the chance of a lifetime? How could I hold Lindsay back from her dream of becoming an actress? So, I listened to others and sent my daughter to Hollywood with a few pieces of luggage and a chaperone.”

Dina is affronted at the suggestion:

“I would NEVER do a negative book about my child,” she continues, saying that “when and if” she does a book, it will be “all positive.”

We just hope young Lohan get the publicity, sorry, help she needs to aid whatever it is she is recovering from…

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Posted: 21st, October 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink