Jessica Donaldson Tells All: Who Is Prince Harry’s Other Women?
JESSICA Donaldson, the American bikini-clad barmaid seen up close with Captain James Hewitt impersonator Prince Harry, has proved less than impossible to track down.
The Mirror hears her explain all about that night with Young Harry Baseball cap:
Says she:
“He’s a real-life Prince Charming.”
Indeed, what fairytale is complete without the dashing Prince waking the Princess by probing his alcohol-soaked tongue into her face? Name one.
But Jessica, 26, says she’s never got off with Harry, and is love with her live-in boyfriend, Brandon Thomason:
“Harry is a real-life Prince Charming. He is so sweet. In fact he was kind of goofy with me. I really like him but I am speaking out now because I want people to know the truth. I am not sleeping with Prince Harry and he has never been anything other than a total gentleman to me.”
A gentleman… as in the gentlemen who frequent Spearmint Rhino gentlemen’s clubs?
“I am very upset that all this has blown up. He is just a regular guy who enjoys a few beers with his buddies. He’s really cool and down-to-earth and that’s what I liked about him. I’m flattered he showed me attention but there is nothing more to it than that.”
She adds:
“His people called ahead and said there was a VIP person coming with about 20 friends and could we secure an area of the club for him? I had no idea it was Prince Harry until he walked in the door. We are used to seeing celebrities here but when Harry walked in, it was ‘wow!’ He was very friendly to all the bottle girls.”
A bottle girl is not the same as pound-a-pint girl, as the Mirror tells us:
A “bottle girl” involves selling bottles of Absolut and Belvedere vodka with mixers – for £350 a table. She explained: “Our job is to bring in rich guys who want to meet hot girls. The more bottles you sell the more commission we get.”
You see, nothing like using sex to make money whatsoever.
“Harry was with a big group, mostly guys. There were quite a few security men with him. I waited on his table and he was charming and chatty but he was charming to all the girls. He paid for two of the bottles and his friend paid for a third. Harry started off drinking Stella but went on to vodka… At the end of the night one of the prince’s bodyguards asked for her number. He said Harry would like to invite me and my friend Christie, for brunch the next day.”
All charming stuff. The women headed to a place called…Pipes:
“We hung out, had breakfast, talked and I thought how cool it was to be with an English prince. Harry had scrambled eggs.”
You can always trust a man who has scrambled egggs.
“Then we went on to a Mexican restaurant and drank cocktails in the sun. Harry drank fruity cocktails and ate chips and salsa. He was joking about the weather and how much better it was than in England. He is a guy who doesn’t want to be treated differently even though he’s a prince, but, of course, people do treat him different.”
Jessica has nailed the royal condition: they are presented as role models by politicians and the elite but want to be like the proles and lark about.
So. Did Jessica cop off with Harry:
“No, no, that wasn’t me,” she said glancing anxiously at her boyfriend. “It must have been another girl. I am sure Harry has lots of girls.” Sitting next to her, hulking Brandon reveals her encounter with Harry led to a heated confrontation between them, but he added: “When I first saw the pictures I talked to her and she assured me nothing went on. She told me they didn’t kiss and I believe her. She said he leaned in to talk to her and it was just the angle of the camera that made it look like a kiss. We both work in the nightclub business and you have to trust each other. If I didn’t believe her I wouldn’t be here now.”
And with that the tabloid media being to hunt for Prince Charming’s other girl – the one who left her crystal thigh-boots at the party…
Posted: 23rd, October 2011 | In: Royal Family 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink