
Anorak News | Laying In A State: Gaddafi Hit With Fatwa To Rot For Libya: Photos

Laying In A State: Gaddafi Hit With Fatwa To Rot For Libya: Photos

by | 24th, October 2011

THE holders of Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s now rapidly decomposing and odorous body still have made no public announcement re disposal arrangements for the murdered tyrant.

Perhaps the new interim Libyan Government wants to elevate Gaddafi to Royal standard.

It is normal in muslim deaths, sudden or otherwise, for the body to be washed and buried as quickly as possible. The speed comes from the wish to keep a healthy surviving population in hot climates.

Photo: The curious queue to see Gaddafi’s rotting corpse

Britain’s Royal Family has a habit of prolonging things a little. When Queen Elizabeth (“Never, Never, Never trust a German”) the Queen Mother died at 101-years-old on March 30, 2002 she Lay in State until her April 9 funeral when she was paraded through London before being interred at Windsor Castle.

By then many had enough and thought it was long past time they stopped trundling the old biddie around and laid her to rest.

Gaddafi was still laying dumped on a mattress in a meat locker in Misrata, last we heard.

The Libyans will have to be going some to beat the Thais when spinning things out.

A man photographs the body of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi on a mattress in a commercial freezer at a shopping center in Misrata, Libya, Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011. A military spokesman says Libya’s transitional government will declare liberation on Sunday after months of bloodshed that culminated in the death of longtime leader Gadhafi. (AP Photo/David Sperry)

When Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana, the Princess of Naradhiwas, (the Thai King’s sister) died on January 8, 2008 she lay in State in a purpose-built Royal building for ten months until her SIX day funeral and cremation on November 14, 2008 – it ended on November 19.

Meanwhile, according to the National Post reporter in Misrata:

“Libyans filed past Muammar Gaddafi’s decomposing body for a fourth day on Monday, keen to see for themselves that the fallen strongman was dead, while talks dragged on among emerging local factions over disposing of the corpse.

“Fighters guarding the darkening body and those of Gaddafi’s son Mo’tassim and his former army chief had placed plastic sheeting under them as fluids leaked into the market cold store in Misrata, where they had been taken after their capture and killing in Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte on Thursday.

“With the door constantly opening to allow a procession of onlookers, in a grim parody of the lying in state typically accorded to deceased leaders, the refrigeration unit was failing to prevent a rapid decomposition and guards handed out surgical face masks to visitors to shield them from the stench.”

Libyan Transitional National Council chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil, left, talks with Benghazi President of the local council Saleh Al Ghazal during the celebration at Saha Kish Square in Benghazi, Libya, Sunday Oct. 23, 2011 as Libya’s transitional government declare liberation of Libya after months of bloodshed that culminated in the death of longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)

There is something not at all right in the heads of the new Libya’s elite. No-one seems prepared to make a decision or an announcement for fear of being next on the militiamen’ hit list.

Libya’s current top dog, the soon to be quitting, Prime Minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil said the National Transitional Council had formed a committee to decide the fate of Gaddafi’s corpse and would follow guidance from Libya’s religious authorities.

The official Egyptian news agency said Libya’s office for fatwas, or religious decrees, had declared Gaddafi was not a Muslim as he had denied the teachings of Prophet Mohammad and so should not be given an Islamic funeral.

They had better get on with it and have closure or those scurvy Europeans will be landing (again) with their ice cream cornets and Imperial ambitions.

Two Libyan women speak during the celebration of Libya’s liberation at Martyrs Square in Tripoli, Libya, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. Libya’s transitional leader declared his country’s liberation Sunday after an 8-month civil war and set out plans for the future with an Islamist tone. The announcement was clouded, however, by international pressure to explain how ousted dictator Moammar Gadhafi had been captured alive days earlier, then ended up dead from a gunshot to his head shortly afterward. (AP Photo/Abdel Magid al-Fergany)


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Posted: 24th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink