
Anorak News | Never Knowingly Transparent: Libyan Government Now Holds Probe Into Gaddafi Murder

Never Knowingly Transparent: Libyan Government Now Holds Probe Into Gaddafi Murder

by | 25th, October 2011

THE already had enough and quitting interim leader of the Libyan nation Mustafa Abdel-Jalil finally announced he had formed a committee to decide on disposal arrangements for the bodies of the ousted Muammar Gaddafi, his son and military commander

All done and dusted at a secret desert burial pit early today.

But there was another, much quieter, announcement. Abdel-Jalil also said the National Transitional Council had given in to international pressure and announced it will investigate last week’s killing of Gaddafi.

This being the same council which announced the dead Gaddafi was alive and on his way to Misrata, then died from wounds, then died as a result of being caught in crossfire (from pro-Gaddafi forces) while in an ambulance. This while the ambulance was already being shown loading with Gaddafi’s lifeless body and militia were describing how they had first gut-shot and then killed Gaddafi with a bullet in the head.

So yet another committee to look into the circumstances of the deaths of Gaddafi and his son Mutassim in Sirte, the scene of his regime’s last stand.

Libyans would have preferred to see their deposed leader stand trial and be held accountable for his crimes, he said.

Evidence of atrocities against captured regime supporters were confirmed with the bodies of 53 Gaddafi loyalists, some bound and shot in the head, found in Sirte.

All this as Libyan TV channels almost looped minute by minute screen video of Gaddafi’s final moments as well as militia fighters in the cold store squatting around his corpse and cursing him.

Reuters correspondents in Benghazi say the NTC move is prompted by concerns voiced from the US, Britain and other countries about the rule of law and human rights in post-Gaddafi Libya. There are also calls for an explanation of the 53 murdered bodies found at a Sirte hotel occupied by NTC forces.

Reports are saying ordinary Libyans in Tripoli and Benghazi seem largely indifferent to the international concerns about how Gaddafi was killed or leaving his corpse on display.

Argument over the killings and disposal of the three bodies highlight tensions between the rebel brigades and the NTC leadership.

Diplomats say the disarmament and demobilisation of the brigades – and their integration into the security forces of the new government – is the biggest challenge of the coming months.

Really? Anorak said that last Thursday. We also told you how Gaddafi was murdered …as it happened. Not too difficult to do since it was broadcast live.

Photo: What hope for the truth on Lockerbie?


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Posted: 25th, October 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink