Want To Avoid A Ticket? Saw A Parking Meter In Half (Video)
TRAFFIC tickets are perhaps the most irritating crimes to break. They’re so easily avoidable, which makes them all the more galling when they occur.
Worse still, is when some jobsworth gives you a hard time, causing more disruption than the event that originally took place.
Of course, people get very stressed about things like this and start acting strangely… such as the guy who sawed a parking meter in two!
One plucky citizen caught the event on their iPhone during a cab ride in Brooklyn. They say:
“a cop was giving these two guys a ticket because their van was parked by an expired parking meter and one of them got really mad and cut off the meter with a saw!!! gotta love brooklyn”
Posted: 25th, October 2011 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink