Chinese Restaurant Sells Koala Bear Stew (Photo)
THE restaurant in Panyu district, Guangdong, sells live koala bears. You can take it away with you – “braised or stewed“. Bu way of a serving suggestion the koala has been placed next to a carrot.
Sounds good. Although the the Sydney Morning Herald reports on one Australian tourist who became upset. He tok a photograph of the lunch that cuddles back.
The man’s colleague calls 3AW radio and gives testimony:
“It’s 100 per cent right, that photo. There’s a carrot in the cage, the idiots have put a carrot in there. The restaurant had a large selection of birds, fish and other sorts of exotic animals on display that the diner could chose from for their gastronomic delight.”
Another callers says he too saw the creature and that it was an Asian “tree bear” of some variety.
Melbourne resident Geoff Balsillie says the bears are koalas:
“I was taken to a restaurant for lunch by my host … and after the lunch I went to check the plumbing and found all of these cages with all these animals, so I took a few photos. There was an egret, a marmot, some water fowl and a few others. I’m not sure whether they were on the menu. There were signs on the cages with numbers on them, telling you how much they were. I don’t know whether that was for a gram or for the whole beast, but they were obviously for sale. There was also the fish and snakes and the turtles and all the other things that they normally eat as well, but these animals were the ones that sort of got to me.”
Mr Balsillie complained to his Chinese host, who tipped off police and the restaurant was soon raided, he said. “They released the animals and she [his host] said she didn’t win any friends,” Mr Balsillie said.
Somewhere in China a Disney true life film is in the making. The everyday story of a koala, a mamot, a turtle and an egret and their quest to reach KFC by sundown cannot fail…
Posted: 1st, November 2011 | In: The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink