
Anorak News | Bryon Widner Erases His Face Tattoos: Reformed Nazi Changes His Looks (Photos)

Bryon Widner Erases His Face Tattoos: Reformed Nazi Changes His Looks (Photos)

by | 1st, November 2011

BRYON Widner is the reformed racist skinhead turned police informer who underwent 25 operations to remove tattoos that marked him out as a violent white supremacist. An anonymous donor forked out the £21,000 fee to have the tattoos removed after black anti-racist campaigner Daryle Lamont Jenkins publicised the case. The surgery was performed with a laser wilded by Dr Bruce Shack, chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. Incidentally, one of Anorak’s writers has had tattoos removed. He says it “can hurt like f***”. The photos are fascinating:


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Posted: 1st, November 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink