
Anorak News | Did The German Nazis Invent Thalidomide?

Did The German Nazis Invent Thalidomide?

by | 3rd, November 2011

ON the forums, the talk of Thalidomide’s possible roots in the Nazi-era:

Says one reader:

and then went on to devastate many lives when prescribed for morning sickness. But in all honesty, even if the Nazis are responsible is modern day Germany to be held for ransom? or should each country provide for victims of the drug?

Another adds
Each country undertook to use it in good faith, IMO – it may have originated in Germany but nobody forced other countries to take it and prescribe it. my mother was offered it for morning sickness – it makes me shudder to think of the impact that could have had on my life – and my parents – had she not refused….

In Germany, 10,000 babies were born affected by Thalidomide. The irony that the Nazis who murdered the disabled helped create what they despised cannot be overlooked…


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Sir Harold Evans at Buckingham Palace in London, after he was knighted by the Prince of Wales for service to journalism. The son of a railway worker, Sir Harold rose through the ranks to become editor of the Northern Echo and was in charge of the Sunday Times when it reported on the effect of the drug thalidomide on pregnant women.


Posted: 3rd, November 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink