
Anorak News | Northamptonshire Man Banned From Possessing Excrement

Northamptonshire Man Banned From Possessing Excrement

by | 4th, November 2011

STEVEN Chennel, a 45-year-old from Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, is now banned from  playground in England or Wales, many of town’s pubs and nursing homes, being in possession of any excrement on the outside of his body,(human or animal) in a public place” and from “throwing or smearing any object, including food at any property not belonging to himself”.

Chennel is the holder of a criminal antisocial behaviour order, the fabled CRASBO.

This sound better than the tired ASBO. The CRASBO has the ring of anti-social oneupmanship.


Posted: 4th, November 2011 | In: Strange But True Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink