
Anorak News | Thief Steals Cursed Head From Kent Church

Thief Steals Cursed Head From Kent Church

by | 5th, November 2011

IT is a fact that the 300-year-old carved man’s head stolen from St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Newchurch, Kent, is cursed.

Churchwarden Tony Day says:

“I’d like to say to the person who has taken the head now, should you find your luck disappearing we’d happily accept it back to its rightful home.”

The item has form. A thief stole the head in 1970, returning it 15 years later with a note that said:

“My sincere apologies. I stole this head and have had nothing but bad luck ever since. I hope that as I have now returned it, my luck will return.”

Anorak offers a similar story about a car radio stolen just before last Christmas. It too is cursed. Whosoever handles it will experience years of bad luck in which they will suffer from boiling blisters on their genitals, centuries in Hell fire and no relief from Noel Edmonds’ voice in their head. For it is written.

Posted: 5th, November 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink