
Anorak News | Did Justin Bieber Tell An ITV Sound Engineer To F*ck Off In Front Of A Pre-Teen Audience?

Did Justin Bieber Tell An ITV Sound Engineer To F*ck Off In Front Of A Pre-Teen Audience?

by | 14th, November 2011

HAVING had out minds infiltrated by images of Justin Bieber with his branded pull ups about his knees allegedly a-meetin’ and a-greetin’ Mariah Yeater in a 30-second groin tantrum resulting in a son with porn-star name, PopBitch alleges that Bieber has been cussing in public:

In one of the many many breaks in between songs for the ITV special filmed last night, Bieber was sitting on the side of the stage when a sound engineer tapped him on his back and asked if he could just sound check his mic. The cutesy disneyboy-next-door replied “no you fucking can’t. This is my stage, I tell YOU what the fuck happens on it”. His headset mic was obviously working fine, as this exchange was broadcast to the watching audience. Cue giggling from kids and mass tut-tutting from their parents.

Testing… testing…testing…one, two…twenty nine…30!

It’s all lies, of course…

Posted: 14th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink