
Anorak News | Ronnie Wood: ‘An Annoying Drunk’

Ronnie Wood: ‘An Annoying Drunk’

by | 15th, November 2011

ALCOHOLICS are hilarious aren’t they? Think of the laughs they have when their skin goes yellow and all their organs fail! Oh what pant-wetting japery! Speaking of which, Ronnie Wood – Faces alumni and Rolling Stone – has decided to talk about how drunk he gets.

It’s acceptable to be an old soak in the music industry isn’t it? That’s because it’s ‘rock ‘n’ roll’ and not the action of someone desperately unhappy, bloated or bored.

The 64-year-old (in fairness to Ron, he looks much, much older) rocker has tussled with a drink problem for decades, which is probably why he looks like all four faces on Mount Rushmore. He’s been to rehab several times, but always returned to being a pathetic ale-can.

He entered a clinic for the eighth time last year following a violent altercation with his then-lover Ekaterina Ivanova who was younger and much more attractive than him. And now, he knows that he needs to knock the booze on the head. Presumably because he’ll not be able to waft his credit card around and snare a fit young woman.

Talking to the trustworthy London Evening Standard, he said:

“I became an annoying kind of drunk. I annoyed myself and it wasn’t working any more. I thought, ‘This is not me, this is horrible.’

“I would have long times – months – of sobriety and then say, ‘I’ve got it, I can have a drink now. I can have a drug now’, and it would all explode and go terribly wrong. I’m still learning from my mistakes and I’m determined I’ll never do anything stupid like that again. I still feel 29. Maybe I should act my age more, but I just can’t.”

“I’ve seen all the people dropping like flies over the years and it makes me realise how lucky I am.”

So there you have it. Ron Wood. Face of an old woman, liver like a corpse and unable to grow up. We’ll start a deathwatch countdown for you cocker.


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Mick Jagger, lead singer of the Rolling Stones, performs on stage


Posted: 15th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink