
Anorak News | Bieber Paternity Case Takes A Kicking With Incriminating Text Messages: Mariah Yeater Meets John

Bieber Paternity Case Takes A Kicking With Incriminating Text Messages: Mariah Yeater Meets John

by | 17th, November 2011

THERE’S a whole host of reports floating around about the paternity case involving Justin Bieber and Mariah Yeater, some of which say that everything’s been dropped while others note that DNA tests are still go.

However, TMZ have broken some news which may show what really happened.

Sadly for those of you who really wanted Bieber to have sired a child with a backstage 30 second fumble, it doesn’t look good. Alas, pictures shown allegedly show Yeater to be pulling a fast one.

Through images of text messages sent, Mariah Yeater seems to have asked a friend to erase an incriminating text that says that her mother is under the impression the baby belongs to someone who isn’t Bieber.

TMZ says:

“The person to whom Mariah Yeater sent the text asked us to blur his name — we’ll call him John. He has been in touch with Yeater regularly … even before the baby was born on July 6.

“In the text, Yeater pleads for John to “ERASE ALL MESSAGES from my mom.” The text goes on to say that her mom sent John messages in the past, stating that baby Tristyn was fathered by Robbie — an ex-boyfriend.

“She then goes on to talk about giving John money if he cooperates: “Ill kick u when we get paid.””

Worse still for Yeater is that this ‘John’ has shared this information with Howard Weitzman, Justin Bieber’s lawyer.

Weitzman says:

“This information proves Mariah Yeater fabricated the story. Our independent investigation indicates Ms. Yeater never met Justin, she has consistently identified another man as the child’s father, and Ms. Yeater and her co-conspirators hatched this scheme in order to extort money from him and to sell her story to the media.”

If you want to see the text messages, then click here. It’s not looking good for Yeater if these prove to be the real deal.


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Posted: 17th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink