
Anorak News | South Korean MP Uses Tear-Gas In Parliament, Which Is Just Brilliant!

South Korean MP Uses Tear-Gas In Parliament, Which Is Just Brilliant!

by | 22nd, November 2011

POLITICS is so dull in the UK. Men in drab suits shout while women with bad hair all boo at admin. The most excitement we’ve had is when Bryan Ferry’s posho offspring lobbed some coloured powder around and that wasn’t particularly fun at all.

However, over in South Korea, they’re much better at firing things up. One Korean MP decided that he’d use tear gas powder against the parliament’s deputy speaker in the hope that he’d block ratification of a key trade deal with the US.

Kim Sung-Dong decides to throw a substance towards Chung Eui-Hwa and everyone starts crying. No-one got hurt, so you’re totally at ease to laugh your buttocks off.

Security guards ushered Kim Sung-Dong out of the chamber and it all kicked off. If you care in the slightest, the trade deal between South Korea and the United States was ratified with 151 votes in favor and seven against.

Have a look at the action!

Posted: 22nd, November 2011 | In: Politicians 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink