
Anorak News | Jimmy Carr Takes Shots At Down Syndrome Sufferers

Jimmy Carr Takes Shots At Down Syndrome Sufferers

by | 24th, November 2011

COMEDIANS love tackling taboo subjects. Many stand-ups see their job as mirth maker, coupled with freedom of speech activists. In the case of the latter, many use their freedom to say what they like to make audiences squirm with hard truths or contentious topics..

However, there are those who just do it to shock, for shocking’s sake, picking on the soft target who can’t fight back. And so, we’ll let you decide what angle M5 death gag teller Jimmy Carr took when he decided to have a pop at Down Syndrome sufferers. (Just like fearless Sun columnist Frankie Boyle’s funnies aimed at the handicapped, and other people less likely to fight back. He’s no Bernard Manning.)

While performing in Warrington, the 8 Out Of 10 Cats host threw this at the audience:

“Why are they called the Sunshine Variety coaches when all the kids on them look the f**king same?”

Did you stare at that blankly? Did you guilt-laugh (y’know, one of those laughs that come out before you’ve had the chance to decide whether it’s okay to laugh at a joke or not)? Did you just plain ol’ chortle?

Well, one audience member at Warrington’s Parr Hall theater told The Sun:

“There was some laughter but I think most people agreed that it was crass. We all know he can be controversial but this joke overstepped the mark.”

Naturally, a Variety Club representative called Malcolm Brenner was less than impressed, saying:

“He is ridiculing children with Down Syndrome – you can’t get much lower than that.”

Let us not get into the semantics of which disability is ‘lowest’ in terms of joke making please. Either way, a spokesperson for Down Syndrome Education International added:

“Comedy is not about sneering, jeering or bullying those least able to defend themselves.”

Carr, has defended himself somewhat by saying that countless more audience members had not been offended by his comments, but did apologise.

“It was the 238th gig of the tour and nobody has complained so fare said. I’m sorry to anyone who came and was offended.”

On another occasion, Carr noted:

“Sometimes you get it wrong, sometimes you do overstep the mark. And that’s fine, that’s kind of the balance. But ultimately I don’t like giving papers the power to decide what is and what isn’t acceptable.”

What say you, dear reader?

Image: Ricky ‘Mong Face’ Gervais

Posted: 24th, November 2011 | In: Celebrities 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink