
Anorak News | Julie Chang Is Upset By A Lurker: TV Gold

Julie Chang Is Upset By A Lurker: TV Gold

by | 27th, November 2011

ANORAK once worked on a TV segment called Lurker Of The Day, in which we’d highlight a face in the background of a TV news or sports report. The best lurks were the ones where the presenter noticed and took offence and someone enjoying being on the magic box. TV news great lie is that it presents people as they. It doesn’t. The lurker destroys the myth of the benign camera. This is why we love the lurker.

Julie Chang, of MyFoxNY, loses her cool in a local news story. She tells the lurker – a adolescent boy waving behind her – to stop it. Chang has toiled for years to be on the TeeVee and will not allow some upstart to muscle in so easily on her screen time. She is the story. You real people are the extras in her showreel CV.

Invading armies should know that you do not need bombs to take over a street in New York – you just need Julie Chang and a TV crew…

Posted: 27th, November 2011 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink