Gigantically Ungrateful Janet Devlin Slams X Factor As ‘Karaoke’: Amelia Lily
X FACTOR reject Janet Devlin is the new Amelia Lily:
IMAGINE this. You’re an average, unknown singer who posted a couple of dreary songs up to your own YouTube channel. Internet friends are the only people who have bothered to leave a supportive comment. Effectively, you’ve failed to set the world alight.
Then, you decide to increase your profile on The X Factor and, suddenly, people start telling you how great you are and you become something of a celebrity overnight.
Imagine further, if you will, you’re Janet Devlin who ticks all the above boxes. You’d be grateful wouldn’t you? Not so. In fact, you’d chide the show for being little more than a karaoke show.
The 16-year-old told Lorraine Kelly on her ITV show:
“To me the sad thing about X Factor is that it’s brought me down a lot, I was just covering other people’s songs and it got to the point that I just felt like a karaoke artist every Saturday night.”
No. If you do karaoke, you’ll invariably remember the words to MMMBop, right? Apparently, Devlin is under the impression she’s a real, proper indie artist though and churning out the usual pap you hear NME approved pop bands say.
“I just can’t wait to get into a studio and do my own music and if it goes well and the people like it that’s great, or if it turns into music that I like and it goes underground, it’s completely fine. As long as I have the opportunity to do gigs and play my music and people enjoy it. That’s what I want.”
The latter points there, being something she could’ve easily done without the help of The X Factor, right?
And so, while she has raised her profile, she’s also shown herself to be an ambitious brat, which in the world of supposedly cred-indie, is something that is only encouraged behind closed doors. Looks like it’s career-over.
Posted: 28th, November 2011 | In: TV & Radio 13 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink