Does It Matter If Chris Jefferies Tried To Sell His Story To The News of The World As Jules Stenson Claims?
CHRIS Jefferies was monstered by a libellous press. An innocent man was chewed up in public. He got the given the Full Murat over the murder of Joanna Yeates.
Jules Stenson, former News of The World head of features, alleges on Twitter:
“Chris Jefferies vilification was appalling. But wonder if he will mention £60k he wanted from the NOTW to tell his story?”
We’ve seen no evidence to back up this claim. It is an allegation that Stenson may care to enlarge on. The question is why when speaking at the Leveson Inquiry into media standards no-one asked if it was true. And, if it is true, would it matter?
Posted: 29th, November 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink