
Anorak News | Mark Wright’s Night Of Tabloid Sex With Emily Scott (Photos)

Mark Wright’s Night Of Tabloid Sex With Emily Scott (Photos)

by | 5th, December 2011

ONE problem with McFly bassist Dougie Poynter winning I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! is that he’s not Mark Wright, star of The Only Way Is Essex and an OK!’s abort ‘n’ tell. The Sun presses on regardless, leading with a photo of Wright – and, vitally, Wright’s stomach – and the front-page headline:

“The only way is no sex Emily”

In boom times reality telly shows were all about waiting for the sex. In austerity Britain, it’s about not having sex or even getting off with each other in a hammock.

Says Wright of Emily Scott, his co-camper:

“Emily is a lovely person and a very pretty girl but there is no romantic interest there for me and I am not interested in starting a relationship with her.”

Over on the Mirror’s front page, the headline is:

“The Truth About Me And Emily”

Inside, and there’s barely a word on Emily, something that seems to support the Sun’s news that he’s not into her.

And then we get to the Daily Star, which features a photo of Ms Scott and the headline:

“The Only Way Is Sex For Mark”

The Star’s Emma Wall seems at odds with the Sun’s Leigh Holmwood:

ESSEX boy Mark Wright made a move for Emily Scott just minutes after leaving the jungle in second place.

To say goodbye?

The stud homed in on his dream girl after confessing he wants to take their romance further.

Or as Mark told the Sun:

“I am single and want to be on my own.”

Back in the Star we learn:

They were “inseparable” at the show’s wrap party after he made a beeline for the Australian glamour girl on being crowned runner up.

Or as the Sun says:

The pair spoke briefly at last night’s show wrap party, but Mark said: “Emily wouldn’t try to make a move on me at the party …but if she did, it wouldn’t be reciprocated.”

Says Emma Wall in the Star:

TOWIE hunk Mark, 24, confessed his love and made his move by telling her: “You can make me breakfast.” The love-struck lad gushed: “Emily is a very good-looking girl…. I’d love a long distance relationship. I came into the jungle with no intention of meeting someone and then they threw Emily in and I thought: ‘Whoa… hot girl.’ I saw blonde hair, then I saw the treasure chest, then I saw heat – it was a nice sight.”

Mark is so smitten he has even vowed to ditch the womanising that made him famous on The Only Way Is Essex.


But he admitted he could not wait to get naughty with model Emily and laughed: “I like having sex.”

Or as the Sun tells it:

Mark insisted he hadn’t even thought about sex in the jungle…

Such are the facts.


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Posted: 5th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink