
Anorak News | Kardashian Getting Sued Over Alleged Attack On Transgender Woman Chantal Spears (Photos)

Kardashian Getting Sued Over Alleged Attack On Transgender Woman Chantal Spears (Photos)

by | 6th, December 2011

HATE crime or equality? You’re about to decide whether or not you can go around lamping people who are transgender. Okay?

So, Khloe Kardashian is apparently being sued for assault in connection with an alleged incident that took place in Hollywood in 2009. According to reports, Kardashian got into a row with a transgender woman named Chantal Spears (aka Ronald Spears) at Playhouse nightclub.

Spears claims that the widest faced Kardashian pushed and struck her “in and about her body“, which conveniently lead to injuries.

It all kicked off when Spears allegedly walked up to Khloe’s husband, Lamar Odom, and told him that he was “too young to be married“.

In a video posted at the time of the incident, she told a cameraman for the website, “All I was telling Lamar Odom is maybe he is too young to get married, and all of a sudden I get this big push from this girl,” she explained. “She hit me. She pushed me and hit me. [Security] didn’t say nothing. It was her. She looked in my face. I tried to get her and she pushed me again.”

In her lawsuit, Spears says she didn’t provoke anyone and is seeking unspecified damages.

Now, is this a case of a famous person kicking off with someone because they’re transgender? Is this a case of something kicking off with someone because they thought they were hitting on their beau? In the case of the latter, then this is a simple cat fight? Did Spears deserve a slap for what she said?

Readers, you become the jury in the comments.

Imge: Bossip

Posted: 6th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink