
Anorak News | Tom Cruise Drops Top Gun 2 Rumour Bomb

Tom Cruise Drops Top Gun 2 Rumour Bomb

by | 8th, December 2011

SCIENTOLOGY may well be making everyone dislike Tom Cruise, but he’s still a big celebrity noisemaker. And now, while touting his latest Mission: Impossible film, he’s decided to make everyone sit up and waggle their ears by saying that there’s a Top Gun sequel in the offing.

In fact, it’s ‘being worked on’.

Tom told he is still involved, saying:

“I hope we can figure this out to go do it again. If we can find a story that we all want to do, we all want to make a film that is in the same kind of tone as the other one and shoot it in the same way as we shot Top Gun… We’re working on it.”

Cruise is all excited about reuniting with director Tony Scott and producer Jerry Bruckheimer for Top Gun 2.

“I said to Tony, I want to make another movie with him. He and I haven’t made a film since Days Of Thunder.

“Tony and I and Jerry, we never thought that we would do it again. Then they started to come to us with these ideas of where it is now. I thought, ‘Wow, that would be… what we could do now.”

How about stopping all that Scientology nonsense so we can watch some of your films again without grinding our teeth, hmmm?

Posted: 8th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink