Charlie Sheen Says Ex Isn’t A Drug Dealer And He’s A Very Trustworthy Source
TIGERBLOOD! Remember when everyone thought it was very funny to say that? It was like those Budweiser toads all over again. Effectively, wearisome after five minutes.
That said, through that period, Charlie Sheen was good value. He punched a chandelier, he ran around with a suitcase filled with cocaine, he stood atop a radio station wafting a machete around and was rumoured to have entirely gold teeth.
Now, sadly for us, he’s straightened himself out and has gone back to being a gigantic bore. Mercifully, his ex-wife – Brooke Mueller – has taken up the slack and been arrested under drugs and assault charges. HURRAY! Rumour has it, that she’s drug dealing too! How marvellous!
However, Sheeno Buzzkill is here to poop the party by saying that there’s not a chance Mueller is dealing. Why?Because he gives her loads of money in child support!
Sheen says he spoke with Brooke in the week and said she’s doing just fine (boring).
When asked about the charge of intent to deal drugs, Sheen said:
“With the child support I give her … she’s gonna deal drugs? Never gonna happen.”
Apparently, he pays $55k in child support. That’s an incredible amount of dough. Away from the admin, Sheen said something that nearly recaptured his mad ol’ glory. Talking about the Aspen cops that arrested Mueller, he said:
“The cops in Aspen are Keystone on their finest day … these are the clowns that let [Ted] Bundy go.”
That’s nice of him. He must’ve forgotten that they cut Charlie a load of slack when they DIDN’T throw the book at him when he was arrested for (allegedly) holding a knife to Brooke’s throat back in 2009.
Ah, them were the days.
Posted: 8th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink