
Anorak News | Putin Lets Anti-Government Moscow Protest Go Ahead: He’ll Crush Them Later

Putin Lets Anti-Government Moscow Protest Go Ahead: He’ll Crush Them Later

by | 10th, December 2011

IN Moscow, thousands massed to demand the end of Vladimir Putin’s rule. They protested against vote rigging and corruption. Putin’s United Party lost a lot of seats in the recent elections, but it retains a majority.

But if not Putin, then who? Putin is no fool. The police allowed the protest to go ahead. He allowed the State broadcaster to relay images of the demo to the masses.

But if not Putin, then who. And he has his fans; and it likely they too will hold demos, bigger and noisier than the very loose alliance of opposition groups.


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A demonstrator wears a red scarf with Communist party insignia and a hat reading USSR, during a protest against alleged fraud in the major Russian Sibirian city of Novosibirsk, about 2800 kilometers (1,750 miles) east of Moscow, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011. Several thousand people, braving - 20 C (-4 F) frosty weather, protested against election rigging. Protests against election fraud are beginning in Russia, the first in a planned wave of nationwide demonstrations testing Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his party. (AP Photo/Ilnar Salakhiev)

Posted: 10th, December 2011 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink