
Anorak News | easyCar: Would You Let A Stranger Use Your Car?

easyCar: Would You Let A Stranger Use Your Car?

by | 12th, December 2011

WOULD you let a stranger use your car?

easyJet founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou and founder Brent Hoberman have created easyCar, the business that lets you hire a stranger’s car.

Stelios says:

“Rather than having to buy the cars to be rented and pay the ownership costs, this business model relies on the fact that there are plenty of under-used cars on the road already and that is lazy capital that can be put to work again.”

As ever, every new scheme has to show us its green bollocks. The Guardian reports:

The company claimed its new business model is also greener than traditional car hire, citing figures that show car sharing could get 10 cars off the road for each vehicle contributed to a club.

One shared car gets 10 cars off the road? How big are these cars? And if they are free to hire then the cars are not on the road, are they; they are in driveways and parked. All it means is that one car will be driven the same miles as 10 cars. This saves the planet how?

And would you really let a stranger rent your car?

Posted: 12th, December 2011 | In: The Consumer Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink