
Anorak News | Web Censor Stephen Conroy Swears On The Web: Ban The Bansturbator

Web Censor Stephen Conroy Swears On The Web: Ban The Bansturbator

by | 14th, December 2011

SENATOR Senator Stephen Conroy, Australia’s British-born Minister for Communications, tells the country’s National Press Club in Canberra:

“I love the debate about sovereign risk,” he said. “If a tax goes up, God, that is sovereign risk. But if a tax goes down, f*cking fantastic.”

Conroy is the man who want to censor the web. As he said:

“Most Australians acknowledge that there is some internet material which is not acceptable in any civilised society. It is important that all Australians, particularly young children, are protected from this material.”

Is he afraid of himself?

Posted: 14th, December 2011 | In: Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink