Moves To End Acid Attacks And Arab Slavery In Pakistan
THIS is a photo of Shaziya Abdulsattar, 8. She’s a Pakistini girl lying in the lap of her mother Azim. Shaziya has been burnt by acid. Her photo has been released by the Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) in Islamabad. The scars wer cssued by the girl’s father, who allegedly threw acid on her and her mother Azim last year after the mother refused to sell their two boys to a man in Dubai to use as camel racers.
The boys get used. The girls get abused. (Although around a quarter of all acid attacks in Pakistan are against men.)
But things are changing in Pakistan. The Senate has provided final approval for two bills for new laws agaisntĀ acid attacks and also criminalized practices such as marrying off young girls to settle tribal disputes and preventing women from inheriting property.
And this is Pakistan – the West’s ally in the war on terror…
Posted: 14th, December 2011 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink