
Anorak News | Georgina Ray Is Jimmy Savile’s Daughter: The Joy Of Greasy Spoon Sex On A Rollercoaster

Georgina Ray Is Jimmy Savile’s Daughter: The Joy Of Greasy Spoon Sex On A Rollercoaster

by | 15th, December 2011

IS Georgina Ray, Jimmy Savile’s love child? The Sun say the woman with the straw blonde hair, shiny gold tracksuit and gibbery “arseabowt dat den” turn of phrase IS Savile’s daughter.

If she is, then who’s the mum? Is it:

Princess Diana?
Joan Collins?
David “Diddy’ Hamilton?

Georgina, of Cannock, Staffs, tells a “friend“, who tells the Sun:

“Jimmy Savile is my dad — my mum told me.”

It’s easy to believe Georgina. But Anorak sympathsies with the single mum who keen to inject a spot of pizazz into a fatherless child’s life points at the telly and says: “See him… He’s yer dad!”

Anorak can conducted a survey and can reveal that Top Ten Celebrity dads as identified by single mothers in the 1970s are:

Brian Cant
The BLack And White Minstrels
Leonard Rossiter
James Bolam and Rodney Bewes
Spit The Dog
The Roman Emperor Claudius

The unnamed pal adds:

“Georgina is not a gold digger. She just wants closure that the man she has considered to be her father all these years actually is.”

The Sun explains:

She has told friends she was born after her mum Christine had a two-week fling with the womanising DJ in 1970.

Surely ‘controversy free, clean-living charity legend who was very good to him mum’? (See here.)

Christine, now 59, was a 19-year-old waitress at a greasy spoon cafe off the A5 in Cannock, Staffs, when Top Of The Pops icon Jimmy called in for a meal.

For those of you reading this after 1986, a greasy spoon was a sexual position (see Joy of Sex pages 89-92).

Says that indiscreet pal:

“She was awestruck when Jimmy walked in as he was a big star. He made her laugh by ordering six eggs sunny side up and two mugs of tea.”

Sunny side up..? In 1970! Are you sure mum wasn’t shagging The Partridge’s Family patriarch Dave Madden, Georgina?

“Things just gelled. Jimmy drove a camper van in those days and it seems he carried Christine out of the cafe caveman-style on the day. And things happened from there.”

Did she try to get in touch with Jimmy?

Georgina wrote a letter to Jimmy last year but there was no response. She sent another by recorded delivery in January, including some photos.

Better had she not started the missive ‘Dear dad’, but ‘Dear Jimmy, Would you please fix it for me to have swap of your DNA or small sample of your seed in a plastic beaker so that I may see if you are my dad. If you could ejaculate on a rollercoaster, I think it would be entertaining…”

Georgina went to see Jimmy at his home in Leeds:

The pal said: “They spoke on the intercom but Jimmy pretended not to be in and shouted, ‘He’s away.’ Georgina was upset because he would probably have been able to see her on security CCTV and would have seen how much she resembles him. She just wanted him to acknowledge she was his daughter.”

At any given time there are 5,456 people who resemble Jimmy Savile. Many are wearing wigs and smoking unlit cigars.

Now, though, she is pushing for the DNA test, which she hopes can be carried out using a strand of Jimmy’s famous hair retrieved from his apartment.

Pass the nylon!

Last night she told The Sun she would not comment personally about the DJ until her paternity claim is settled by lawyers.

How very dignified. In the meantime, it’s good job she’s got a friend to turn her claim into front-page news…

The friend added: “She just thinks everyone has a right to know who their father is. But if a blood line can be proved, she would be stupid to turn down any money offer made from his will.”

Because his will would leave money to the daughter he never acknowledged, right?

This is the kind of kiss ‘n’ tell that makes you wonder why no-one bothered to tap Jimmy’s phone. Eh, Squidgy


Image 4 of 22

Jimmy Saville taking part in a treasure trail race from the Post Office tower. Jumping down some stairs in a sack in aid of the National Association of Youth Clubs.


Posted: 15th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink