Courtney Love to be evicted but she’ll shoot her weird mouth off first
IMAGINE being a very wealthy rockstar. First thing you’d do is buy a house, right? Financial security in bricks and mortar and all that. Well, if you’re Courtney Love, you’ll just not bother and squander your time instead making enemies of everyone you ever encounter.
Courtney Love picks on her own fans at shows, she lambasts the living members of Nirvana, she’s fallen out with her own band, she’s hated by her own daughter… it’s little wonder that her landlord hates her as well.
See, a few months ago, she set fire to her NYC townhouse and now her landlord wants her out. Like now. They’ve also said she owes a load of rent. She thinks otherwise.
Donna Lyon, who reportedly paid $8 million for the townhouse, started eviction proceedings against Love this week, claiming that Cobain’s widow was two months behind on the $27,000 monthly rent and had made unauthorized alterations to the property – which Lyon is currently trying to sell.
Lyon told the New York Post Thursday that Love had altered the décor of the townhouse against the terms of their agreement.
“It was decorated by the previous owner, interior designer Steven Gambrel. One of the requirements of the lease is that nothing should be done to the interiors,” Lyon told the Post.
“Courtney has wallpapered and painted a large portion of the property without my consent. I learned about this when I wanted to sell the house and had photographs taken. They sent me the brochure and I said, ‘This can’t be my property.’ I came to New York to see it and I was horrified by what she had done. The walls that had been hand-painted and glazed were ruined, covered in damask wallpaper and ice-blue paint.”
Love shot back, saying:
“I haven’t fallen behind on the rent – I have been paying month to month as agreed. My rent is current, but the owner is now asking for the remaining two months’ upfront. Even though it’s not required, I’d happily pay that and another six months’ rent upfront if she would extend the lease for six months. I have repainted, but I asked permission, and used a painter approved by the owner.”
Aside from this, Love recently poured scorn on the doorstep of Dave Grohl, saying that he was lording it up with a Nirvana Inc. credit card, while Courtney’s mother-in-law ‘couldn’t afford a front door’ on her house. Now, aside from business grumbles, why doesn’t Courtney buy her mother-in-law a door? If she can afford six months of $27k rent in one go, she can certainly help her family out. Right?
Oh sorry. She’s too busy acting like a pariah. What a surprise.
Image: 14 – The Shop
Posted: 16th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink