
Anorak News | ‘Whatever’ is the most annoying word in the English language: fact

‘Whatever’ is the most annoying word in the English language: fact

by | 16th, December 2011

THE most annoying word in the English language is “whatever”. It isn’t. It’s “no”, followed by “can’t”. But the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion has conducted a  survey . Whatever came out on top.

The results are:

Whatever –  38%

Like –  20%

You know- 19%

Just sayin’ – 11%

Seriously – 7%

Jay Heinrich describes like as:

Figure of Speech:  dialogismus (die uh log IS muss), the one-person dialogue.

The dialogismus, in which the speaker uses other people’s voices or recreates a conversation, may be the teenager’s very favorite figure of speech.  The substitution of “like” for “said” serves as a disclaimer:  “The following quotation is an approximation, and only an approximation, of the dialogue that actually took place.”

And you thought “like” was just, you know, annoying.



Spotter: Maristr


Posted: 16th, December 2011 | In: Reviews Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink