Weed wars: the medical marijuana reality TV show
WEED wars is Discovery TV show about medial marijuana centred on Oakland, California’s Harborside Health Center, the largest medical marijuana dispensary in the world. The show’s stars are Andrew DeAngelo and his brother, Steve DeAngleo.
Says Andrew:
“Most of our patients and our staff were really skeptical about doing a reality TV show because they were watching Jersey Shore and The Kardashians… There are a lot of stigmas about medical cannabis patients, that we don’t work hard, that we’re a bunch of stoners, that we are lazy, that we are really criminals or drug traffickers. All that is a lie that has been perpetrated by the feds and the media…This is our chance – and our patients and our staff’s chance – to shine.”
Marijuana’s a funny thing. David Cameron smoked it. Bill Clinton never inhaled. George Dubya Bush got goofed. They all did ok. But all three champion laws that will have you arrested for doing as they did. This makes them utter bastards. During Clinton’s Presidential tenancy, “over 4,175,357 Americans were arrested on marijuana charges between 1992-99.” How many of those do you think were using the weed for medicinal purposes? Under Clinton in 1992:
A unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that public housing tenants can be evicted for any illegal drug activity by household members or guests, even if they did not know about it.
Yep, Clinton kicked you out of your home for having marijuana in the place – like he did.
Texas – Dubya’s Texas – is No.1 in the USA for marijuana arrests.
Here’s the video:
Posted: 18th, December 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink