Father Christmas doesn’t exist says unreal Justin Bieber
SEEING as Justin Bieber’s fans are all roughly the same age as a mayfly, you’d think he’d be willing to keep the magic of Christmas in their hearts so him and his team could fully exploit the festive monetary gifts straight out of their pockets and into his.
But no. Justin Bieber is a massive spoilsport.
See, he’s very keen to point out to his army of infant fans that Father Christmas isn’t real. In fact, it was his mother who didn’t even give him the chance to believe in Santa Claus.
During an interview with Aol Music:
“My mom always told me there wasn’t a Santa. That was her logic: She thought if I grew up knowing about Santa then finding out he wasn’t real, that it would be like she was lying to me”.
“I didn’t tell my friends or ruin it for anyone – I was a good kid!”
We’ll spoil your life Bieber and quickly point out that Jesus Christ our Lord is also a figment of the human imagination, so you can stop with all that caper as well.
Okay? We’re all good are we? Fine. Idiot. In case any children are reading this, Santa Claus is massively real and, in fact, Justin Bieber is a figment of your imagination and soon, he’ll go away.
Posted: 19th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink