
Anorak News | Korean News salutes wise comic book fan Kim Jong Un

Korean News salutes wise comic book fan Kim Jong Un

by | 20th, December 2011

KIM Jong Un is Now no.1 leader supreme in all of North Korea. To him the Kim Jong il Otter Hat of power and the chance to spend the rest of his life looking at orgasmic flats (you need to see this) and stuff.

Anorak has gotten hold of the last photos of Kim Jong il looking at stuff. And while you enjoy those, you can read a few words from the Korean News Agency on the passing of a living double rainbow:

Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army, passed away from a great mental and physical strain at 08:30 December 17, 2011, on train during a field guidance tour

The North Koreans pushing that train are grieving hard for the “tender-hearted father of the people” with whom he shared “weal and woe”.

They are weeping bitterly out of self-reproach and regret that they failed to keep Kim Jong Il in good health despite the behests of the President.

Know that:

His sudden demise at a historic time when an epochal phase is being opened for accomplishing the cause of building a powerful and prosperous socialist state and the Korean revolution is making steady victorious progress despite manifold difficulties and trials is the greatest loss to the WPK and the Korean revolution and the bitterest grief to all the Koreans at home and abroad…

Kim Jong Il comprehensively developed in depth the immortal Juche idea, Songun idea, fathered by the President and glorified it as the idea guiding the era of independence with his clairvoyant wisdom and energetic ideological and theoretical activities…

Kim Jong Il, great master of politics and illustrious commander born of Heaven, honorably defended the socialist gains, noble heritage bequeathed by the President, by dint of Songun politics despite the collapse of the world socialist system, the demise of the President which was the greatest loss to the nation, the vicious offensive of the imperialist allied forces to stifle the DPRK and severe natural disasters. He turned the DPRK into an invincible political and ideological power in which single-minded unity has been achieved and made it emerge a nuclear weapons state and an invincible military power which no enemy can ever provoke.

To the future!

Arduous is the road for our revolution to follow and grim is the present situation. But no force on earth can check the revolutionary advance of our party, army and people under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Un. The heart of Kim Jong Il stopped beating, but his noble and august name and benevolent image will always be remembered by our army and people and his glorious history of revolutionary activities and undying feats will remain shining in the history of the country forever.

As for Kim Jong Un:

A former classmates told the Washington Post that Kim Jong Un “spent hours doing meticulous pencil drawings of Chicago Bulls superstar Michael Jordan“. Yep the fat comic book guy from The Simpsons is now in charge of nuclear missiles.


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Posted: 20th, December 2011 | In: Politicians 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink