
Anorak News | Kim Kardashian admits marriage mistake at long last

Kim Kardashian admits marriage mistake at long last

by | 20th, December 2011

KIM Kardashian, star of the Kim Kardashian & Ko 3D Christmas card, admits marriage was a mistake.

MARRIAGE! What a beautiful, rare and precious thing, right? Well, apart from the fact everyone gets married and that loads of them end in divorce. But still, huzzah for matrimony!

Of course, someone who got married for all of ten minutes was America’s First Lady, Kim Kardashian. So short was the marriage, that everyone pointed at it and shouted “PR STUNT! BOO! YOU’VE RUINED THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE AND NOW THE GAYS ARE GOING TO USE IT AS A JOKE AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS!

Which they duly did.

And while Kris Humphries, the spurned hubbie in all this, promised to take Kim K to the legal cleaners, she stayed oddly quiet about it. Until now!

Using twitter, Kardashian admitted to making a “mistake” and having “veered off course,” in a reference to her short-lived relationship.

She added:

“Maybe our mistakes r what make our fate. W/out them what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course we wouldn’t b who we are.”

Well, duh. If it wasn’t for your mistakes, we wouldn’t know what a massive weapon you are!


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Posted: 20th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink